Max's annual Holiday Pageant happened during Carrie's visit so she was privy to his first on-stage performance. I was very nervous for him since his Halloween sing-along was a disaster. He typically does not follow along with songs or group activities are hit or miss. He doesn't like costumes, especially wearing things on his head. Plus, I thought he might have a meltdown.
But surprise surprise, he was fantastic. He stood attentively, wore his bear costume and even got some of the movements down. (Teddy bear, tedd
y bear turn around...touch the ground...)
Afterwards, he wanted to go back on the stage.
At the close of the event, Santa came parading down through the audience and each kid got to go on stage to receive a colossal present(s) from Santa. Here is Max approaching Mr. C.
Once again Max shines. Thanks for sharing this Heather.
Being gift wrap challenged I enjoyed watching the video. Interesting way of wrapping. I will try most anything. I think of all the gifts I wrapped I got the one box for Beth looking sharp. The rest are just passable. I will keep on trying.
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