Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thank goodness for Starbucks

I am embarrassed to admit that I've found a haven in Starbucks.  I was not a regular back in the States. In fact I don't drink much coffee at all.  But here, Starbucks supplies two important things to me: 1) the Azuki Scone and 2) napkins.

Let me explain.  The Azuki Scone is one of the few things that Max will eat.  And those of you who know Max, know that he is a picky eater. Since we've been in Japan, his finickiness has intensified and I'm desperate to find anything for him to eat.  Chocolate?  French Fries?  I don't care as long as it has calories.

The Azuki scone is on the "healthy" menu at Starbucks so it gets a green label in the display case.  Apparently it's made of soybean flour and azuki beans give it sweetness.  We picked one up for Max the other day and he LOVED it.   So now I go every morning and dutifully pick up a scone for Max.  We then find a table and try not to disturb our fellow customers.  Max flits around the store coming back to our table for bite after bite and I am, for a moment, confident in my ability to feed my son.

This brings me to reason #2 for taking refuge in Starbucks.  Napkins.  As you, reader, will know, Starbucks provides an endless supply of paper napkins.  And in a city where paper napkins and towels are scarce, I am able to stock up.  Rich and I regularly stuff our pockets and bags with extra napkins and stockpile them in our apartment.

There's Max with his daily azuki scone.  Note the extra napkins on the table.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

mmm, sounds good. I'd love to try one! And it's eerie to see the inside of a Starbucks that I know is thousands of miles away but looks like any of those here in NYC. Ah, corporations!

Max, enjoy a scone for me, and hold onto a few napkins for your parents, too.
