Friday, October 3, 2008


What can one really say about a mass of sand and silt poured into Tokyo Bay to form a new community of high rises and shopping malls.  That's Odaiba. We went a couple weekends ago. The train ride takes you over the Rainbow Bridge and it was a spectacular warm day.  

Max and I explored the beach (man-made).  (We found a dead crab.) We passed by the rent-a-dog place that had a line out the door and the adjacent Doggy Restaurant. Does this kind of service exist anywhere else?  Someone please say that Tokyoites are not the only people who will line up to rent a dog for the afternoon to take it for a walk and buy it lunch.

Then we headed into one of the handful of large malls on the island to check out Toys R Us. I planned on getting Max a tricycle but he displayed no interest. This was so frustrating as he loves to play with/on the tricycles in our basement bike storage area.  

I bought a couple Thomas trains to keep on hand for future surprise gifts and we headed out to lunch in the food court. Then Rich checked out Eddie Bauer which somehow was kind of stylish as only the Japanese can make outfits look good. More on the style gene later...

Max fell asleep after lunch so as he snoozed in the stroller Rich and I got coffee and enjoyed the view.


Unknown said...

Cinnabon! Sweet! Man, I love their buns. What an interesting enterprise- renting dogs to take them on a leash and spend the day with them. I wonder what else is to be discovered in Japan...

Unknown said...

awww sooo cute! Just watched the two updated videos - I love hearing Max's voice! And nice to see more of the apt!

Apuch said...

Cinnabon? Cinnabon? Those are not real buns :-)!

Renting dogs eh? Is this some kind of way for young people to meet? Next there will be a service for renting grandparents to take them to the mall to enjoy some air conditioning.

Videos!? There are videos? Cool, off to check them out :-).