We also tried to darken my color a bit but it didn't go as dark as we had hoped. It was quite ridiculous trying to explain the hair color we were after to the lovely salesperson in the drugstore. So now I get to experiment with things like spray on hair wax.
So this is just a general announcement and an excuse to post something. All is well, otherwise. Tomorrow is a public holiday (to honor the dead) so Rich has a day off. We'll be heading out to do some old-fashioned sight-seeing and shopping.
One of these days I should keep you all updated on Max's speech. He is making sentences now which is a lot of fun and coming up with the most amazing vocabulary. I think this is due to all the reading we have done with him and his experience at school.
Some recent expressions "I did it!", "Mommy press it!" (as in the button on the elevator). "Mac fell down" (he calls himself Mac now). "I found it!" He knows the words for almost every animal and lots of insects and is very interested in bulldozers, diggers, cement trucks, and dumptrucks. There is a fair amount of construction going on in our area so we are frequently passing building sites and heavy machinery. He knows a lot of verbs and prepositions now and within another month, I think will be really speaking fluidly.
He likes reviewing the alphabet in his many ABC books and is connecting letters to words now. E is for elephant, a is for armor (yes, armor).
We watch a lot of Curious George and the other day he pointed to his arm and said "bone". So we discussed some of the bones in our bodies. Yes, he has learned that we have bones from Curious George. He's pretty darn curious, himself.
love the hair - very glam!
adorable! much better than my major chop ...
Looks great! Very sexy.
awwww.... hearing these language updates from "Mac" makes me want to cry. He's smart AND curious.
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